Quality of life and sexual attraction in physically active and inactive older people
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University of Gdansk, Gdansk, Poland
Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport, Gdansk, Poland
WSB Merito University, Gdansk, Poland
These authors had equal contribution to this work
Submission date: 2024-02-28
Final revision date: 2024-09-22
Acceptance date: 2024-10-10
Online publication date: 2024-11-21
Corresponding author
Dominika M. Wilczynska   

WSB Merito University, Gdansk, Poland
Human life expectancy should rise with a focus on enhancing quality of life, encompassing aspects such as physical activi-ty, sexuality, and self-acceptance, which significantly affect satisfaction and relationships. This study examined how life satisfaction, physical activity, and self-esteem related to sexual attractiveness in seniors contribute to their overall quality of life, especially concerning self-worth and relationships.

Participants and procedure:
A total of 99 individuals, composed of 75 women and 24 men aged between 60 and 81, participated in the additional offer from the University of the Third Age. These respondents were all part of the study. The Satisfaction with Life Scale, self-assessment in terms of sexual attractiveness and a scale of physical activity level created for the study were used. The participants completed the questionnaires before the classes from the expanded offer of the Gdansk University of the Third Age.

The highest correlation was observed between the level of physical activity and satisfaction with life. The study also showed a significant correlation between the self-assessment of sexual attractiveness and life satisfaction, and between the level of physical activity and the self-assessment of sexual attractiveness. Additionally, the results indicate a significantly higher level of self-esteem in terms of sexual attractiveness in men compared to women.

The study emphasizes the role of positive self-perception, notably in sexual attractiveness, and higher physical activity levels in predicting life satisfaction, while differences in self-esteem between genders suggest a need for more exploration and soci-etal education, particularly among older generations.

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