Psychotherapy and chronic pain management: a quantitative study evaluating the contribution of psychotherapy to quality of life and treatment compliance in chronic disease patients
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Department of Psychology, Scientific College of Greece (SCG), Athens, Greece
SCG Lab of Experimental and Applied Psychology, Athens, Greece
Submission date: 2023-06-18
Final revision date: 2023-08-09
Acceptance date: 2023-09-04
Online publication date: 2023-10-13
Corresponding author
Paraskevi Theofilou   

SCG Lab of Experimental and Applied Psychology, Athens, Greece
The psychology of pain is an important field of study that focuses on understanding the psychological factors associated with pain and developing effective approaches to its management. Pain is a complex sensation that affects a person’s phys-ical and mental well-being, and psychological factors can have a significant impact on the perception, response and coping with pain. This research study examines the contribution of psychotherapy in managing chronic pain and improving quality of life and treatment adherence.

Participants and procedure:
The sample consisted of 87 participants who completed the McGill Pain Assessment Questionnaire, SF-36 Quality of Life questionnaire, and the Morisky Medication Adherence Scale (MMAS-8) questionnaire. Two groups were created: one group received psychotherapy to manage pain and illness, while the other group either did not receive psychotherapy or had no contact with this therapeutic method.

The results showed that patients who received psychotherapy had higher scores in the dimensions of mental health, vitali-ty, general health, physical pain, physical functioning, and social functioning compared to patients who did not receive psy-chotherapy. Statistical analysis confirmed significant differences between the two groups. Additionally, psychotherapy was associated with higher treatment adherence, as indicated by the mean scores of patients receiving psychotherapy compared to those who did not.

This suggests that psychotherapy can contribute to increased treatment adherence. The results clearly show that patients who received psychotherapy have significantly higher levels of mental health, vitality, general health and functioning com-pared to patients who did not receive psychotherapy.

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