Satisfaction with life and posttraumatic growth in persons after myocardial infarction
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Submission date: 2014-05-10
Acceptance date: 2014-05-10
Online publication date: 2014-07-02
Publication date: 2014-07-02
Health Psychology Report 2014;2(2):105-114
The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between the level of satisfaction with life and posttraumatic growth as a consequence of experiencing the traumatic event of myocardial infarction. The study group consisted of 86 persons (62 men and 24 women), aged 36-87 (M = 60.50, SD = 10.05), who experienced myocardial infarction. Half of them participated in a rehabilitation program. Two methods were used in the study: the Satisfaction with Life Questionnaire and the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory.
One in four of the participants revealed a high level of posttraumatic growth. Gender, age and time since the occurrence of myocardial infarction did not have an impact on the level of posttraumatic changes, while participation in a rehabilitation program was a factor which increased the level of benefits from trauma. The results revealed a poor relationship between satisfaction with life and positive changes after trauma. The overall score of the Satisfaction with Life Questionnaire correlates only with positive changes in relations to others. The most important dimension of satisfaction with life was found to be satisfaction with leisure time, which was positively related to changes in three areas: changes in relations to others, appreciation of life and spiritual changes.
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