University students with learning disabilities at the Faculty of Education, Charles University in Prague
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Submission date: 2014-03-01
Final revision date: 2014-03-25
Acceptance date: 2014-03-25
Online publication date: 2014-05-16
Publication date: 2014-05-15
Health Psychology Report 2014;2(1):39-48
The paper deals with learning disabilities (LD) of university students in the Czech Republic. The first part describes most common trends in professional care of students with LD in historical context, the second part analyses contemporary situation of support of students with LD during their university studies. Pivotal part of the text describes the situation at Faculty of Education, Charles University in Prague, from the perspective of state LD students, their difficulties and means of possible support.
Qualitative analysis of functional diagnostics took place in the frame of evidence of 15 students with learning disabilities. Focal point of the functional diagnostics is a structured interview in which an identification of needed modification for studying with specific educational needs of students with LD takes place.
From our analyses it can be stated, that students with LD apply for registration basing on their experience with high school status of a student with SD, or that their decision is influenced by their current study problems or the fact that they went through a modified entrance exam. We have also discovered the fact, that except for the difficulties which result from the type and degree of the disability and which can be compensated by specific approaches, students also need an emotional and social support.
Learning disability is not, however, perceived only as a disadvantage, many students have stated that it has motivated them in their further development.
Achieved results point to general specifics to the perceived difficulties, to the specifics of the concrete degrees and to the further personal (emotional, social) characteristics of LD students and they support recommended modification for successful studies.
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