The phonological mistake and 5D paradigm
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Department of Education, Cultural Heritage and Tourism, University of Macerata, Macerata, Italy
Submission date: 2015-08-24
Final revision date: 2015-11-18
Acceptance date: 2015-11-18
Online publication date: 2015-12-30
Publication date: 2016-01-04
Health Psychology Report 2016;4(1):1-7
In the first part of this article I present a background in scientific studies on dyslexia, from cognitive science to the neuropedagogical perspective. In this investigation the analysis of mental processes is the most important thanks to comparison with genetic research. In the second part, the dyslexic condition is seen from the perspective of the neuro-motor approach, named the Praxic Motor Theory, which improves neural circuits and inter-hemispherical exchange, electrical transmission and evoked potentials.
In this perspective, the dyslexia condition is a disorder related to lack of coordination, including disorganization in space-time and lateral dominance. The phonological hypothesis referring to a lack of sign-sound association in dyslexia is inappropriate, as the term phonology has been intended in English literature as a more complex process and not simply an association between phoneme and grapheme. It is related to access to the word, groups of sounds, rather than single sounds. In this sense the dyslexic reader does not make a phonological mistake in terms of association, but a kinetic-motor one, in space-time from left to right.
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